Research Archives - Page 8 of 40 - aftermarketNews
Overheard: How Many IRFs Sell Tires?

The 2021 ShopOwner Industry Profile knows the answer.

Overheard: New Light Vehicle Sales Trends

Light-vehicle sales have been held back by limited inventory caused primarily by the ongoing microchip shortage.

Overheard: Diesel Fuel Prices on the Rise

The U.S. average price of diesel fuel was $3.61 a gallon for the week ending 1/3.

US Aftermarket Parts Market Expected to Reach $19B by 2026

The U.S. aftermarket automotive parts & components market is projected to have optimistic growth due to increased online activities.

HDA Truck Pride Store offers PhaseZero eCommerce Platform
Overheard: Longtime Business Owners

In a recent BodyShop Business survey, 20% of the respondents say their business has been open at least 50 years.

Overheard: Gas Prices Highest Since 2015

The average price dropped from $3.38 a gallon to $3.34 but still higher than years past.

Overheard: Inventory Challenges During The Pandemic

In the 2021 P.A.R.T.S. survey, we asked counter pros if they have had problems getting inventory because of the pandemic.

Overheard: VMT Returning Closer To ‘Normal’

Vehicle Miles Traveled is up 7.9% compared to September 2020.

Overheard: Best Strategies For Attracting New Customers

Tire Review’s “Rolling with the Numbers” survey asked tire dealers their best strategies for attracting new customers.

Overheard: Vehicle Miles Traveled Continue To Make Gains

Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in August 2021 was up a solid 8.3% compared to August 2020. Cars With Highest Insurance Rates

Info on the difference between make and model, why and how to determine those differences is included in the new guide.

Quarterly Research: The Where And How Of Parts Buying

This summer, Babcox Media conducted its biennial profile of independent repair facilities. These are the results.