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Herman Trend Alert: Trends in Customer Loyalty

Very recently, Loyalty 360, the Loyalty Marketers Association in Cincinnati, Ohio, issued its list of key trends for 2011. In this Herman Trend Alert, we highlight four we believe will be most important for the coming year.

Herman Trend Alert: New Trends in Employment Law

Herman Trend Alert gives us a breakdown of “THE LITTLER TEN: Employment, Labor and Benefit Law Trends for Navigating the New Decade.”

Herman Trend Alert: Companies Recruiting Ahead of the Curve

Good news: companies are recruiting again, in substantial numbers.

Herman Trend Alert: The Importance of U.S. Action

We have watched as the U.S. has fallen farther and farther behind its peer developed nations. According to the World Economic Forum’s “Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010,” the U.S. now ranks 48th in the quality of its mathematics and science education.

Herman Trend Alert: Lack of Readiness and Other Gaps Will Plague Employers

Not only are a majority of recent high school graduates unprepared for the jobs that will be the most prevalent, but they lack the desire to go into those particular occupations as well.

Herman Trend Alert: Retirees Must Continue Working

According to the “The MetLife Report on Early Boomers,” those born between 1946 and 1955, due to economic circumstances, will likely forego the traditional leisurely retirement and stay in the workforce — some indefinitely.

Herman Trend Alert: Connecting with the Millennials

Author Kit Yarrow predicts that by 2015, the Millennials will have more spending power than any other generation including the Baby Boomers. Wise marketers and recruiters will take these findings to heart.

Herman Trend Alert: Engaged Employees Increase Bottom Line Performance

Gallup psychologist James Harter, a researcher in Omaha, Neb., examined 10 companies’ employee satisfaction surveys, employee retention rates, customer loyalty and financial performance. He found a direct relationship between employee satisfaction and overall company performance.

Herman Trend Alert: The Pros and Cons of Virtual Meetings

By the end of this year, a surprising 48 percent expect their employers will have policies in place regarding the use of videoconferencing and virtual presence to reduce the need for business travel.

Herman Trend Alert: Using Games and Play to Boost Productivity

As more Gen Y and Millennials enter the workforce, using gaming, social networking tools and advanced communication techniques are more effective for engaging employees. These 21st Century inventions provide opportunities to leverage tech-savvy talent that might otherwise go untapped or under-utilized.

Herman Trend Alert: Global Employee Engagement Declining

The most recent study of employee engagement levels by Hewitt Associates found that engagement levels at the end of the June 2010 quarter represented the largest decline Hewitt has seen in 15 years.

Herman Trend Alert: Most and Least Stressful Jobs

Jobs were ranked by five core criteria: Environment, Income, Outlook, Stress and Physical Demands, then measured by physical and emotional components.