Herman Trend Alert Archives - Page 27 of 30 - aftermarketNews
Herman Trend Alert: Hiring of Temporary Employees to Increase

Several factors are converging to stimulate an increase in the use of temporary employees in a wide range of occupations. This global movement will be felt across all occupational sectors, across industry lines and across national borders.

Herman Trend Alert: Call the Next Generation ‘Independents?’

The development of children currently in school — the next group to enter our workforce — suggests that they, their employers, and their co-workers may encounter some difficult times. A great many of today’s children are being raised to be independent and to compete. Their lives are heavily scheduled. They are measured so frequently that their classes have become more focused on test preparation than on learning. Many hours of their days are spent in front of the computer screen, interacting with others indirectly instead of face-to-face. There is little time for unbridled creativity, play just for fun (away from the computer), and learning for the enjoyment of deeper understanding and the pursuit of knowledge.

Herman Trend Alert: The Promise of Advanced Manufacturing

We have long touted the prospect of advanced manufacturing being important in the United States and around the world. There is a quiet revolution going on in the steel industry, A leading-edge process for making steel holds the promise of eliminating shortages and providing steel where and when we need it.

Herman Trend Alert: More Employers Will Seek Older Workers

As the labor market continues to tighten, employers will intensify their competitive search for qualified workers. They will seek competent, experienced, dependable people with a strong work ethic and proven ability to take care of business. Employers will be eager to hire skilled workers who understand the true meaning of customer service, who can communicate well with others and who can draw on their experiences to solve problems and make progress. Workers who can take initiative, follow through and coach others will be in high demand.

Herman Trend Alert: Working 24/7

We expect to see a significant increase in the number of people working non-traditional hours — evenings and weekends — in the next few years. As employers respond to global relationships, where people in other parts of the world are working at times that require night work by local employees, this trend will grow. More night work will be seen as companies, particularly manufacturing facilities, seek to utilize their equipment more hours each day. Extended hours generate a greater return on investment, but require people to work during those extended hours.

Herman Trend Alert: Need Tech Support? Ask a Kid

Recently, we received an article forwarded from one of our daughters. Originating in the United Kingdom and published on line by the British Broadcasting Corporation’s magazine BBC News, the article talks about parents depending on their children for IT support. She was obviously sending us a message. She wanted us to know that we aren’t the only parents to ask/beg for help from our children.

Herman Trend Alert: Secret of Effective Leadership in 21st Century

Our research into what makes leaders effective has uncovered an interesting factor that deserves more exploration and discussion. For years, workers seeking to grow into higher career positions have developed specialties in particular areas of expertise. In tomorrow’s world, these subject matter strengths will be valuable, but will not enable people to become effective leaders.

Herman Trend Alert: Career and Economic Trends Converge

A number of trends are converging to heighten sensitivity to the future. Perhaps the most significant trend is a noticeable tendency for people to take back control of the management of their careers. People also want more control over other aspects of their lives and we see signs that consumers are becoming more demanding. As individuals step back into the driver’s seat, corporations will be forced to become more responsive to both employees and customers.

Herman Trend Alert: Interest in Telecommuting Rising Internationally

Telecommuting is increasing in popularity — among workers and employers — on a local, national and international basis, at least during part of their work week. People work for local companies, for employers across their country, and for employers in other countries.

Herman Trend Alert: Avoidance of Confrontation

A significant number of people avoid confrontation in the workplace. They are reluctant to ask for increases in compensation, more training or different job assignments. These employees would rather change employers than risk the resistance or negative consequences from bosses who may not support their requests.

Herman Trend Alert: Training vs. Off-Shoring

Employees in developed countries are increasingly concerned about the number of jobs being moved overseas. Alarmists sound the cry that a huge number of jobs are vanishing from traditional workplaces, spelling the elimination of employment opportunities. Though this perspective stretches the truth, thousands of jobs that had been performed in the U.S., England, Australia, Germany and other places have been moved to countries with considerably lower wage rates. On balance, this shift is good for the economies of developed countries, since employers are able to get more accomplished for less, freeing resources for other uses-like creating more jobs, though different, that can be performed by their own workers.

Herman Trend Alert: Recruitment Intensifying

Employers are becoming noticeably more active in recruiting. The volume of employment advertising is increasing, including an unusual December growth in The Wall Street Journal. Professional recruiters report that the people they’re calling have received other inquiries, as well. Forward-looking employers are already seeking top talent, even during this usually quiet holiday season.