Artificial Intelligence Archives - Page 3 of 3 - aftermarketNews
The Herman Trend Alert: Turnkey Mentorship Using Artificial Intelligence

We know that mentorship works and over the years we have encouraged thousands of employers to reap its benefits. Unfortunately, while mentorship works, it must be done right to succeed.

The Herman Trend Alert: Advancing Technology And The Future Of Work

Not only are these technological advances driving some of the global economy’s fastest-growing industries, but they also will play important roles in the economy and labor market of the future.

Magna Commits Investment Of $5M In Artificial Intelligence Research Institute In Canada

“The automotive world is changing rapidly, reacting and innovating in response to massive technological advances,” said Don Walker, CEO of Magna International. “Canada is a leader in the potential game-changers of machine learning and AI, and we want to be at the forefront of its advancements in the automotive sector.”