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DST Asks: Where Do Your Profits Come From — Products or Customers?

Last week we asked: Internally does your current computerized business system provide comprehensive data for managing stocking decisions? This question begs another related question: Where do you make your profits, from your products or from your customers?

Defining The Process Enterprise

In this week’s article we’ll deal with a fundamental question: What is a “process enterprise” and how does it differ from the kind of enterprise most of us are living in today?

DST Asks: Can Your Business Measure Return on Customer Investment?

Although most businesses have the means for measuring their Return On Investment, DST has coined the term Return on Customer Investment as a more accurate method of determining profitability of the customer base. Many firms believe that their largest customers, or the ones they have been supplying for the longest time, are the most profitable ones, but access to pertinent data can contradict those assumptions.

DST Asks: What Value Do You See in Sharing Detailed Sales Data?

An ongoing dilemma exists between all tiers of the supply chain due to the gulf caused by lack of collaboration and sharing of sales information that would ultimately benefit all — manufacturers, distributors, parts retailers and service providers. Where do you stand on these issues? Our objective is to generate the thought and dialogue that might provide energy to new initiatives. See our special offer at the end of this week’s column!

AMN Perspectives by Thomas Group: Experience at Work

In our last article we raised the issue of conflicting department strategies without really addressing it. Let’s do that now. As an example, what happens when finance drives for lower inventory levels to minimize working capital costs, sales and marketing promises customers more inventory to improve service, and production plans long manufacturing runs with low flexibility to maximize favorable variances? The results will not be pretty.

DST Asks: Do You Get Everything You Need from Your Current Computer System?

The database engine is the foundation of a computerized business system, used to abstract very specific sorts of information about your business and organize it in a way that will prove useful. The database should ultimately be viewed as a representation or model of the business.

“DST Asks” Parts Distributors: Which Features of a Computerized Business Management System are Most Useful to Your Business?

Our youngest readers may not be able to remember that there was a time before remote control technology when changing the channel on your television actually required getting up off the couch and making the long walk over to it. “Channel surfing” only existed when you could get one of your kids to sit next to the TV and turn the dial for you. Life was brutal then.

AMN Perspectives by Thomas Group: Experience at Work

In our last article we talked about inventory management as a trade-off. In most organizations there are conflicting inputs from various departments that affect inventory decisions: finance wants low inventory levels to minimize working capital costs; sales and marketing wants high inventory levels to ensure excellent customer service; production wants long-term planning with low flexibility to create high production efficiencies. Logistics wants to minimize transportation, handling and inventory holding costs.

“DST Asks”: What Do You Look For In a Computerized Business Management System?

Technology is breaking down the barriers that once hindered our ability to process and share information efficiently. As our industry taps into the power of new technologies, those businesses that adopt and embrace them sooner rather than later will realize new efficiencies and bottom-line improvements while simultaneously setting the revised standards of successful business operation. Those standards will be the benchmarks of competitive advantage that will steer the future of the industry.

“AMN Perspectives by Thomas Group: Experience at Work”

As this column unfolds over the coming months, there will be several major themes, each with a number of articles. In this first series, we’ll address operational effectiveness. We’ve chosen the inventory dilemma as the first topic, though additional installments will include the related issues of inventory management methods, performance measures, information technology and others.