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Herman Trend Alert: Consumers Abandon ‘Green’ Standards to Save Money

An extensive survey conducted by Grail Research finds that almost two-thirds (65 percent) of consumers changed their green buying habits due to the “Great Recession.”

Herman Trend Alert: Employee Loyalty Declines Worldwide

Several recent studies have reinforced our belief that employee loyalty is declining around the world. The most recent evidence comes from the well-respected consultancy Mercer in its 2011 “What’s Working” survey released just last week.

Herman Trend Alert: Boomers Realigning Values

This realignment of values will have a wide-ranging impact on consumer goods and services, travel, tourism, home and real estate, health and wellness and politics and current affairs.

Herman Trend Alert: Sounding a Global Warning About Youth Unemployment Numbers

With a global population of 7 billion people, it is important to realize that more than 28 percent are between the ages of 15 and 24. Today, we highlight a significant societal problem: youth unemployment.

Herman Trend Alert: Consumers Worldwide Demand More Corporate Social Responsibility

Consumers report they are already voting with their wallets and loyalty to make these demands felt.

Guest Commentary: John Passante Asks, ‘Are You Providing Customer Service or Lip Service?’

According to a Harvard Management update by Bain & Co., “Eighty percent of companies believe they deliver a superior customer experience, but only 8 percent of their customers agree.” What is your customer satisfaction index?

Herman Trend Alert: What the Increasing Numbers of Women Graduates Will Mean for Society

According to a recently published report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in 32 of the 34 countries that are members, more girls than boys now complete their secondary education.

Guest Commentary: A Day at the Races – Are You a Big Picture Person or a Nit Picker? Both Are Needed in Racing and in Business

Industry veteran and longtime Babcox contributor Dave Caracci gives us the latest installment in his summertime series of firsthand accounts of life at the track.

Guest Commentary: Dr. John Passante Asks: ‘Can (and Should) a Business Have a Heart and Soul?’

“People give the business its spirit, its freshness and they are the face of the company to the customer, investors, vendors and the public. People have knowledge about your business, opinions and the ability to influence the success of the business. They are the heartbeat of the company. Their loyalty, commitment and recommendations are paramount to long-term growth,” Passante writes.

Herman Trend Alert: High Growth Women Entrepreneurs Poised to Transform Economies

Women make up more than half of the planet, more than 50 percent of all new MBA graduates and more than half of (non-STEM) post-graduates as well. Women represent almost 50 percent of all PhDs and 48 percent of all entrepreneurs globally. Yet they represent fewer than 20 percent of high-growth CEOs and attract only 10 percent of venture capital dollars.

Herman Trend Alert: Increasing Workplace Stress is Hazardous to Health

Employees are working longer hours and enjoying it less.

Herman Trend Alert: Employers Cracking Down on Personal Use of Social Media

Social media has a tremendous power to create business, and it has the potential for creating public relations havoc. Employers across the globe face the challenging issue of controlling the use of social media in the workplace.