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Herman Trend Alert: Preparing Students For The Changing Workforce

Something wonderful is happening in Albuquerque, N.M. At the ACE Leadership High School, there are no “ordinary” classrooms. Operated by the Associated General Contractors New Mexico Building Branch, this innovative charter school uses cutting-edge education and highly skilled instructors to prepare young people for successful careers in architecture, construction and engineering professions.

Herman Trend Alert: Labor Market Churning Next

The just-released 2012 Aflac WorkForces Report indicates that 49 percent of workers are “at least somewhat likely to look for a job this year.” In addition, 50 percent of workers say employee benefits are “very or extremely influential” on their decision to leave.

Herman Trend Alert: ‘Showrooming’ – A Hybrid Shopping Experience

The latest research from Vibes, a mobile marketing and technology company, provides fascinating insights into what retailers must do to connect with today’s mobile consumer, enhance the multi-channel shopping experience and successfully compete against online discounters.

Herman Trend Alert: New Skills Demanded from Tomorrow’s Workers

In last week’s Herman Trend Alert, we focused on the new Towers Watson study “Global Talent 2021.” In that alert, we referenced this global transformation will also require employees to possess certain “new skills.” These new skills will be in demand across all levels of employment over the next five to 10 years.

Herman Trend Alert: The New Geography of Talent

Major market shifts are changing global business. In addition, economic realignment, advances in technology, the globalization of markets, changing demographic trends, new customer needs and increased competition are fundamentally reworking how companies operate in virtually every industry and region of the world.

Herman Trend Alert: Way-Out Workplaces Engage Gens X and Y

Employers all over the world have discovered that creating unusual workspaces for the younger generations has a very positive effect on engagement and retention.

Herman Trend Alert: Gamification in Leadership Learning

We know that games work to engage and retain employees, particularly the younger generations. Thus, we were pleased when we heard recently that global professional services firm Deloitte LLP uses games to increase engagement on its online learning portal for leaders, called the “Deloitte Leadership Academy.”

Herman Trend Alert: Fighting State-by-State ‘Brain Drain’ by Bribing Students to Move In

Currently, outstanding loans total about $1 trillion USD, exceeding U.S. credit card debt. Loan repayment burdens many graduates. Now, states and communities, plagued by declining populations, have embraced the idea of offering student loan repayment in exchange for moving to their areas.

Herman Trend Alert: Girls Winning the Battle of the Sexes in the Classroom, According to U.K. Research

In the past, boys have traditionally maintained their hold over girls in a number of more traditional practical disciplines. However, a new study has found girls are now pulling ahead in subjects previously thought to be linked with male-dominated industries.

Herman Trend Alert: Number of Older Workers Will Soon Exceed Younger Workers

For the very first time in history, the number of workers over age 55 will surpass the number of workers ages 25 to 34.

Herman Trend Alert: The Importance of Employee Recognition

The spring 2012 Workforce Mood Tracker from Globoforce reconfirms the importance of connecting consistent recognition with performance.

Herman Trend Alert: Maximizing Training Using Science

A new report, titled “The Science of Training and Development in Organizations: What Matters in Practice,” is a survey of the vast technical literature on the science of training. In the report, the researchers concluded that when this money is well-spent, “training and development activities allow organizations to adapt, compete, excel, innovate, produce, be safe, improve service and reach goals.”